托佈雷酒莊由大衛鮑威爾於1994年創立,酒莊坐落於巴羅莎山脈西部的瑪拉南戈(Marananga)。酒莊一直致力於釀制世界上口感最好的“羅納河風格”的葡萄酒,葡萄全部來自於巴羅莎山谷,這一點早已被歐洲、美洲和澳洲的葡萄酒媒體雜誌所認可。絕大多數葡萄藤都在乾燥栽培條件下生長,幾乎所有葡萄樹的樹齡都已經達到80-125年之久,而且都採用人工培育和手工收割。托佈雷酒莊是少有的可以兩次得到 Robert Parker 先生滿分100分的莊園,而且被評為是“世界上最偉大的葡萄酒莊園之一”。
Torbreck Vintners was founded by David Powell in 1994. The roots go back to 1992 when Dave, who was then working at Rockford, began to discover and clean up a few sections of dry-grown old vines. The Torbreck endeavour is based around the classic Barossa Valley varietals of Shiraz, Grenache and Mataro, and a love for the wines of France's Rhone Valley.