路易拉圖酒莊(Maison Louis Latour)是雄霸法國布根地酒業超二百年的家族品牌,不但是聲名顯赫的美酒出口商,更是法國歌德區域最大的葡萄酒園主之一。出產品皆為一級或特級葡萄酒,他們只在收成好的年份,方會考慮釀制及銷售葡萄酒,故此其釀制的各類名酒,往往供不應求。他的名字不僅是全世界知名的品牌,而且是最具有地位的,同時也是年代最為久遠的酒莊。
From its birthplace at the foot of the hill of Corton, Maison Louis Latour has over two centuries of Burgundian history. Founded in 1797, the house has become a natural custodian of an ancient tradition. Authentic to its roots, it has always been a point of honour to remain independent and family-owned. It is now run by the seventh Louis Latour, who represents the eleventh generation since his founding ancestor. Each generation has worked to preserve this unique heritage, whilst ensuring the future with a visionary and ambitious spirit.