日本沖繩手工精釀氈酒 (第一配方) Mashahiro Okinawa Craft Gin (Recipe 1)


昌廣酒造的泡盛使用了兩種蒸餾方式製作完成。使用長米混合黑麴菌發酵,並以直式型單式蒸餾器做第一次蒸餾後,將沖繩當地材料: 蕃石榴葉、長胡椒、洛神花和沖繩苦瓜浸泡48小時以上。用小型橫單式蒸餾器再進行二次蒸餾,最後加水稀釋到酒精濃度47%。

2020 WGA 世界琴酒大賽 —— 銅牌
2019 TWSC 東京威士忌和烈酒大賽 —— 銀牌

Marashiro Shuzo Craft Gins uses two distillation methods, infusing long grains with fungi for fermentation then continue to first distillation. After first distillation, 4 locally grown botanicals: Roselle Hibiscus Flowers, Guava Leaves, Balinese Long Pepper and Goya (the green Okinawa bitter melon) are added to rest for at least 48 hours before for second distillation. Additional water was added to lower abv to 47%, bursting with floral flavors, tropical fruit, and green notes from the bitter melon.

Honours & Awards :
World Gin Award 2020 —— Bronze Medal
Tokyo Whisky & Spirits Competition 2019 —— Silver Medal

產地 Origin:日本 Japan

酒廠 Distillery:昌廣酒造 Marashiro Shuzo

容量 Volume:700 ml

酒精濃度 Abv:47%




Nose : Fresh, Citrus, Floral, Lemon Zest, Juniper


Palate : Citrus Zest, Bittersweet, Pepper, Floral, Herbal