Nose : Floral, Fruity, Lime, Fresh
Palate : Watermelon, Juniper, Floral, Lime, Crisp
沖繩氈酒調酒師系列的第三版,以“花香”為主題,加上沖繩當地精選的四種材料釀製的特別版。調酒師採用了今歸仁的西瓜、宮古島的茴香花、沖繩山原的沖繩香檬等四種風味材料,再融合酒質滑順清澈的泡盛的原酒進行釀製。最後由兩位調酒師 大城學 及 中村智明合作,將釀製後的原酒經過反複試驗完成。以“濃郁花香,純淨清澈風味” 為概念,將酒精度從 47 度改為 40 度,即使以冰塊純飲也帶給品飲者一種不一樣的體驗。
The Marahiro Okinawa Gin is the third edition of the Bartender’s Batch Series, using “Floral Aroma” as their theme, infused with 4 locally grown botanicals. By combining the smooth and refined Awamori sake as base, this gin features juniper berries, complimented by watermelons from Nakiji, fennel flowers from Miyakojima, and Shikuwasa (Okinawan citrus) from Yanbaru. Finished by two collaborate bartenders – Tomoaki Nakamura and Manabu Oshiro, who worked together to distill and repeatedly testing to perfect this gin. In order to achieve the goal of a “rich floral aroma and pure and clear flavor,” the abv has been lowered from 47% to 40%, creating a unique experience even on the rocks.
產地 Origin:日本 Japan
酒廠 Distillery:昌廣酒造 Marashiro Shuzo
容量 Volume:700 ml
酒精濃度 Abv:40%