勇士酒莊的故事可以追溯到聖人和武士的時代,它來自於一個傳說,那就是來自東方的馬帕奇勇士被來自西方的朋友背叛了。幾個世紀以來,馬帕奇人幫助維護了島上的和平,他們被認為是最強大、最具震懾力的勇士。 一想到要和馬帕奇人開戰,就足以嚇退敵人們。許多人嘗試去征服他們,但都沒能成功。這酒是獻給所有的馬帕奇勇士和那些以誠實正直的傳統為榮的人們。
The story of the Mapachi dates back to the days of saint and warriors, it comes from the legend of the Mapachi warriors from the East who were betrayed by their friends from the West. The Mapachi for centuries helped maintain the peace in their island and they were considered the strongest most fearsome warriors. The mere thought of a war with the Mapachi was enough of a deterrent for others to stay far away. Many tried, all failed to conquer them. This wine pays tribute to all the Mapachi warriors and those who honour their tradition of honesty and integrity.