Francois Thienpont 自19 世紀以來一直秉承其比利時家族對葡萄酒的熱情。他的先輩於1920 年遷徙至波爾多產區,紮根於此從事葡萄酒生產與貿易。他的祖父Georges 收購了波美侯名莊Vieux Chateau Certan,而家族旗下還擁有兩處歷史悠久的葡萄園Chateau Puygueraud 和Le Pin。Francois 選擇的都是自己熱愛的,能真正表達產區風土和年份特性的葡萄酒。
Francois Thienpont is the proud heir of a Belgian family dedicated to wine since the 19th century. His ancestors migrated to the Bordeaux’s region in the 1920’s, where they came to produce and trade wine. Vieux Chateau Certan, acquired by his grand- father Georges, Château Puygueraud and Le Pin count as some of their historic vineyards. François Thienpont sells wines that he likes, wines which are authentic and express the “terroir” and vintage character.