法國芭比莉紅酒 Domaine Bachelet-Monnot Bourgogne Rouge 2019


產地 Origin:法國 France

地區 Region:勃艮第 Burgundy

酒廠 Distillary:芭比莉莊園 Domaine Bachelet-Monnot

品種 Varietal:黑皮諾 Pinot Noir

年份 Vintages:2019

容量 Volume:750 ml

酒精濃度 Abv:13.5%



2005 年Bachelet 家族兩兄弟Marc 和Alex 背負著父輩寄予的厚望創立了自己的酒莊。優質的葡萄田,特殊的好年份,加上兄弟倆的精耕細作,酒莊的首批釀酒短時間內在全球範圍獲得認可。如此迅速取得聲譽,在相對保守的勃艮第頂級產區的酒莊中實屬罕見。Bachelet兄弟代表了Côte de Beaune 產區新一代釀酒人的榮耀。 In 2005, Marc and Alex Bachelet created Domaine Bachelet-Monnot from the union of the vineyards held by their father and their uncle Monnot. Given the combination of exceptional vineyards, an excellent vintage, and the brothers’ attention to detail in the vines and in the cellar, the first release of the domaine’s Puligny wines garnered immediate recognition, locally as well as internationally.