起源於佛羅倫薩的安東尼世家是最著名的葡萄酒家族之一,自14世紀以來一直定居在托斯卡納。作為意大利最古老的釀酒家族,安東尼世家釀造優質葡萄酒的歷史已超過26代。安東尼世家是托斯卡納及其他全球主要葡萄酒產區的領軍人物,是全球最負盛名的酒莊之一,在亞太市場有著悠久的歷史。 安東尼世家的旗艦酒款Tignanello,是第一款在木桶中陳釀的桑嬌維塞(Sangiovese),第一個用非意大利傳統品種赤霞珠混釀的現代葡萄酒,也是經典基安蒂(Chianti classic)地區第一批不使用白葡萄的紅酒之一。Tignanello是意大利葡萄酒歷史上的裏程碑。

The Antinori family of Florence, one of the most distinguished wine producers, has lived in Tuscany since the 14th century. Being the oldest winemaking family in Italy, Antinori has been making fine wines for more than 26 generations. Antinori is the leader in Tuscany and other key wine regions in the world, and is one of the world’s most prestigious winery while has a long history in the Asia-Pacific Market. Antinori’s flagship wine – Tignanello was the first Sangiovese to be aged in barriques, the first contemporary red wine blended with untraditional varieties (specifically Cabernet) and one of the first red wines in the Chianti Classico region that didn’t use white grapes. Tignanello is a milestone in the world of Italian wine.

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